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Start volunteering today! 


Volunteering has many benefits; benefits for the individuals who volunteer, benefits for the recipients of the support, the community, the environment, the economy....the benefits are endless.

Here, you can learn about volunteering, its benefits, and how to choose the right role for you


Featured Volunteer Roles


Start your search here 

Each state or territory peak body for volunteering has a volunteer role search tool 

Thousands of volunteer roles are available nationwide! Use the advanced search section to help narrow things down to the causes you find meaningful or roles you can easily travel to. 


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Search for a volunteer role

What is student volunteering?

Benefits of volunteering

Volunteering and employability

What areas can you volunteer in?

How to choose a role that's a good match for you

How to make the most impact

Frequently asked questions


What is student volunteering?

Volunteering is time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain.

It is a choice made by you to make a difference. Volunteering is about supporting non-profits or community groups by willingly giving your time, skills and enthusiasm to become involved and take action on issues that are important to you.


Benefits of volunteering

Professional development

  • Gain valuable work experience
  • Learn new skills and develop employable skills for your career
  • Attain references for your resume
  • Build industry connections and networks
  • Bring your own insights and ideas into the community 
  • Help non-profits enhance and extend their cause

Personal development

  • Build your confidence
  • Act on your values, passions and interests
  • Enjoy new social and cultural experiences
  • Improve your physical and mental health
  • Have fun and make a difference!


Volunteering and employability

Up to 85% of employers believe volunteering to be just as credible as paid work.

If you’re having trouble finding the right role in your industry, volunteering could be an easier way to reinforce your resume and your skill set.

92% of employers said that relevant volunteering experience gives candidates an edge in job interviews. It’s a great talking point that can help you make a connection with a potential employer.

If you’re working towards a paid position in a socially responsible organisation, volunteering experience will be a strong indication of your integrity. Regardless of the field, employers see volunteers as trustworthy, proactive and motivated.


What areas can you volunteer in?

There are so many ways you can choose to volunteer.

{slider Animal Welfare|closed}

 Example of an organisation:

RSPCA is a community based charity that works to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.

How you could make a difference:

Volunteer animal care assistant

experience hands on work with animals, (i.e. cleaning pens, walking animals and providing animals opportunities to interact with other animals).

Community engagement volunteer

Represent RSPCA at various offsite events, engaging with the public to promote and facilitate animals available for adoption.


{slider Support Mental Health|closed}

Example of an organisation:

Reachout.com is a leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents. They provide practical support, tools and tips to help young people to get through anything from everyday issues to tough times.

How you could make a difference:

Youth Ambassador

Be part of a national team working to make sure the service stays relevant and accessible. For example by engaging in fundraising events and participating in media interviews.

Peer Moderator

Work exclusively online on the forums to keep the online community safe and supportive. For example, providing support to a member or hosting monthly chats with mental health experts.


{slider Stop Racism|closed}

Example of an organisation:

All Together Now aims to prevent racism by promoting racial equality through education.

How you could make a difference:

Graphic Designer

Assist the organisation with graphic design work, such as communications for print and web (i.e. posters and flyers) and drawing and printing charts, illustrations and other artwork.

Website Manager

Assist with the smooth operation of the website, for example running security updates, optimising google adverts and advising on technical improvements.


{slider LGBTIQIA Rights and Jocial Justice |closed}

Example of an organisation:

National LGBTI Health Alliance - QLife provides access to a network of trained volunteers who provide listening support and information services for LGBTQIA people as well as their family and friends.

How you could make a difference:

Call Centre

You’ll receive full training, and the work is very rewarding and only requires a few hours a month.


{slider Democracy|closed}

Example of an organisation:

GetUp is working towards a thriving democracy in Australia led by the values and hopes of everyday people. They envisage a fair, flourishing and just Australia.

How you could make a difference:

Join the campaigning community

GetUp members come from every walk of life and campaign on issues that members care about in the field of environmental justice, human rights, economic fairness and democratic integrity. You chose the issues you want to work on.


{slider Gender Equality|closed}

Example of an organisation:

YWCA Australia is a leading national feminist organisation working towards a future where all women, young women and girls are equal, safe and respected. They advocate for women leading change, and fight for gender equality and women’s rights.

How you could make a difference:

Register your interest in volunteering. Opportunities can arise thought the year, for example volunteering for a mentoring program or participating in an advocacy campaign.


{slider Climate Change|closed}

Example of an organisation:

Climate for Change's mission is to create the social climate in Australia for effective action on climate change. 

How you could make a difference: 

Sign up and host a conversation for change. 

It starts with a host who can invite friends into their home - conversation is focused around climate change issues. The host will provide food and drinks and a trained facilitator does the rest!


{slider Homeless Support|closed}

Example of an organisation:

Lighthouse Foundation provides homeless young people from backgrounds of long-term neglect and abuse, with a home, a sense of family and all-around-the-clock therapeutic care. Through their Lighthouse experiences, young people can heal, learn to relate to others again and start to rebuild their lives. 

How you could make a difference:

 Interested in joining a committee? 

Each Community Committee supports a specific Lighthouse home, its young people and carers.


{slider Emergency Services|closed}

Example of an organisation:

State Emergency Services (SES) is an Australian volunteer organisation that provides emergency help during and after declared disasters, with each state having its own service. The (SES) respond to natural disasters, such as; storms, cyclones, earthquakes, and floods.

How you could make a difference:

What volunteers do and how to join

Volunteers make themselves available for call out to emergencies when required, depending on their individual skills. There are many roles that volunteers can participate in. Be sure to check your residing state below on opportunities you maybe interested in. 



{slider Community Health & Education|closed}

Example of an organisation:

Nutrition Australia aims to promote the health and well-being of all Australians. Their goals include promoting optimal health by encouraging food variety, physical activity and an understanding of good nutrition. 

How you could make a difference:

Why become a volunteer?

Working with the organisation will give you the opportunity to expand your skills in a wide range of areas, and will give you valuable insight into the operation of a health and well-being based non-profit organisation. Some examples of services offered that volunteers can get involved with include: displays, workshops and seminars.



How to choose a role that's a good match for you

Volunteering sharpens your talents and gives you a taste of working in your preferred industry.

It can also help broaden your horizons. You can work outside of the box by adapting to fields that are not directly related to your course.

Some ideas by disciplines:

{slider Agriculture & environment|closed}

Education and training

Garden maintenance

{slider Architecture & planning}

Trades and maintenance

{slider Arts, communication, & society}

Companionship and social support

Music and entertainment

Sports and recreation

Mediation and advocacy

Disability support

Help line

Marketing, media and communication

Retail and sales

Second language

{slider Business & economics}

Writing and editing

Trades and maintenance

Retail and sales

Research, policy and analysis

Fundraising and events

Administration and office management

Accounting and finance

Marketing, media and communication

Governance, board and committee

{slider Education}


Education and training

Library service

Research, policy and analysis

{slider Engineering}

Trades and maintenance

{slider Information technology}

IT and web development

Computer support

Marketing, media and communication

{slider Health & behavioural sciences}

Aged care

Disability support

Companionship and social support

Counselling and help line

Working with animals

Safety and emergency services

{slider Law}

Disability support

Research, policy and analysis

Mediation and advocacy

Governance, board and committee

Legal aid and administration

{slider Medicine}

Aged care

Disability support

Companionship and social support

Counselling and help line

Working with animals

Safety and emergency services

{slider Science & mathematics}

Education and training


Research, policy and analysis



Here are a few questions for you to consider:

  • What are my motivations for volunteering?
  • Is there a cause that is close to my heart?
  • Are there particular skills I want to contribute or learn?
  • How much time can I commit?
  • A useful resource is the Volunteering to Learn Good Practice Guide for Students. This covers how to find out about volunteering opportunities, insights about volunteer organisations and identifies common challenges and solutions.


How to make the most impact

Volunteer for a cause that you believe in

Find a cause, group or organisation that resonates deeply with you. There are many things that demand our attention and pull us in different directions, however, finding a space that you are particularly passionate about will enable you to give more of yourself to excelling in that field.

Challenge yourself and go beyond ticking boxes

It is outside of your comfort zone where the magic happens. Sometimes we have to be uncomfortable and really test our limits in order for great things to happen. Some of the greatest life lessons and most cherished memories come from stepping out of your sphere of comfort and into a realm of the unknown. Volunteering is an opportunity to go beyond ticking boxes and challenge yourself – it is a chance for you to contribute to meaningful change, connect with like-minded people and to grow as an individual.

Trust yourself and have fun

The most important thing you can do as a volunteer is to trust yourself. Be the change you want to see – all change starts with you. In challenging yourself there may be times when you question your strengths and capabilities. You are strong and you are capable. When you hold back you obstruct the change you could be making and the experiences you could be having.


Frequently asked questions


{slider I haven’t got a lot of time to spare, but I want to volunteer. How much time do I need?|closed}

Different events and organisations require different time commitments, so check the volunteer position description or contact the organisation directly. Whether it’s mowing lawns for an hour or two on a Saturday, to a full day in an office, any and all time is valuable!

{slider When during the week would I be needed?}

Most volunteer roles offer shifts in either the morning or the afternoon, but certain events require very specific time commitments, so check the volunteer position description.

{slider I want to volunteer for a specific event. How can I do that?}

Check out the events listed on your State Peak Body for Volunteering's website (links at the end of this page), or contact your local volunteer organisation to find ways to help out at the event you’re looking for.

{slider What kind of a commitment would a volunteer organisation be looking for?}

There are short term (project based, over a few months) and long term (on-going, for as long as you like) volunteer opportunities available, so get in touch with your local volunteer organisation to find a role that suits you.

{slider My time is quite limited, can I volunteer from home?}

Yes! We have a number of online volunteering roles, where you can give whatever spare time you have to contribute to the community or a cause you care about via the internet.

We also have a number of micro-volunteering opportunities which work with low time commitments, no scheduling and you can help as many organisations as you like! It’s volunteering on-the-spot and on-demand, which means you can work around your schedule.



{slider I want to volunteer, but I also need to work to pay the bills. Will I have to miss work when I am volunteering?|closed}

No, we understand that there needs to be a balance between volunteering and earning enough money for living costs. There are a range of volunteer roles available, and many are flexible and can be tailored to work around your paid work schedule. Contact your local volunteer organisation or the volunteer coordinator in your role to find the balance that works for you.

Also, some companies offer community service leave as part of their approved work agreement for part-time and full-time employees, so check with your employer to see if that’s the case for you.

{slider Are there any out-of-pocket expenses involved in volunteering?}

A volunteer organisation should not ask you to pay for anything that is required for you to perform your role. There may be some travel expenses involved in getting to and from the organisation or event, but the organisation you volunteer with can work with you to try to arrange an alternative (cost-effective) option for you!



{slider I don’t have a car, is transport provided as part of volunteering?|closed}

It depends on the role. In many cases, you are expected to find your own way to and from the organisation or event. But sometimes, with specific events or certain organisations where you need to travel long distances or quite a while out of the way, travel can be arranged with your volunteer coordinator. Check the volunteer position description for more details.

{slider Is parking available where I’m volunteering?}

Parking depends on where you’re volunteering. Often volunteer organisations will have car-parking on-site, but check with the organisation itself to make sure as some inner-city organisations may not be able to provide a car-park for you. Events usually have designated car-parking for volunteers and staff.

{slider How far will I be expected to travel when volunteering?}

You can search for a volunteer opportunity or event close to home, but some volunteer roles will require a bit of travel between centres or event locations. Check the volunteer position description or ask your volunteer coordinator to be sure.



{slider Can my volunteer work count towards what I’m studying?|closed}

In some cases, yes! Check with your lecturer/teacher/course provider to see if your volunteer hours can be counted towards your study.

{slider How can volunteering contribute to my career prospects?}

Many volunteer organisations and managers would be more than willing to provide a written or verbal reference for you, covering your role and responsibilities while volunteering. Just ask! You can also use examples from your volunteer work to show employment potential when applying for new roles.

{slider I want to volunteer overseas, how can I find opportunities there?}

We do encourage you to volunteer locally as there are a number of great organisations and groups that offer a wide range of challenging and exciting volunteer roles.

For volunteering overseas, you can check with The Australian Volunteers Program (an initiative of the Australian Government) for opportunities.

{slider Am I covered by insurance when volunteering with an organisation or at an event?}

Each volunteer organisation or event should have Volunteer Personal Accident and Public Liability Insurance to cover both you and them in the event of an accident or emergency. Make sure you check with the organisation before starting work, and check if there are any exclusions such as age limits or the type of voluntary work undertaken.

There is also a Code of Practice for organisations involving volunteers, which is endorsed by Volunteering Australia.  



{slider What skills are required to volunteer?|closed}

Enthusiasm, energy, and a willingness to help out. Some volunteer roles require a specific skill-set, but there are many roles that cover a wide range of skills and ability levels. Check the volunteer position description for more details, or ask your volunteer coordinator if unsure.

{slider I want to volunteer for a specific role, but I don’t meet all of the criteria they’re seeking. What should I do?}

Often the volunteer position description is used as a guide to indicate the skills necessary for that particular role, but if you’re really keen and think you’d be a great fit, contact the volunteer coordinator directly to chat about your suitability.

Alternatively, we can help you find a role that matches your skills, passions and abilities.

{slider I'm an international student, can I still volunteer?}

Yes! Anyone who is willing to learn and contribute their time can volunteer, you don’t need to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. If you’re on a student visa, any voluntary work you do is not included in your 40hour limit per fortnight, provided that the work:

Is of benefit to the community

Is for a non-profit organisation

Is genuinely voluntary (that means that you’re not paid in cash or by other means)

Check the volunteer position description or with your volunteer coordinator if you’re unsure.

{slider I want to work with children, are there any extra requirements I need to comply with?}

Yes, if you will be working with children, in aged care or with people with a disability, you may need to obtain a National Police Check and/or a Working with Children Check. The organisation you're volunteering with will be able to arrange these for you, but check with the volunteer coordinator to make sure you're aware of what's required of you before starting work.



{slider I have a specific cause/organisation in mind that I’d like to volunteer with. How do I find roles specific to them?|closed}

You can search your State Peak Body for Volunteering's website by organisation, cause or event (links at the end of this page). Alternatively, you can contact the organisation or cause direct and ask what volunteer roles they have available.



Start your search now!




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